Ultrafast optical phenomena online workshop

We are happy to announce the “Ultrafast Optical Phenomena Online Workshop” organized by the OSA technical group. The workshop  will take place from 25 to 29 May 2020 and it is targeted – but not limited – to students and early-career researchers. The programme includes:
Tutorial talks
• Cristian Manzoni – Generation of ultrashort pulses
• Rick Trebino – Characterization of ultrashort pulses
• Giulio Cerullo – Ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy
• Steven Cundiff – Multidimensional coherent spectroscopy
• Anne L’Huillier – Attosecond pulses and attosecond spectroscopy
• R. J. Dwayne Miller – New insight into the scaling in the complexity of chemistry to biological systems
• Mauro Nisoli – Attosecond electron dynamics in molecules
• Farhan Rana – Ultrafast processes in solids
• Martin Schultze – Attosecond electron dynamics in solids
Virtual poster session with two prizes of 500$ and 3 year membership, kindly sponsored by Coherent Inc. and OSA.
Career lab: Elena Belsole (chief editor, Communications Physics, Nature Publishing group), Alison Taylor (executive editor of OSA publishing), Clara Saraceno (group leader, Ruhr Universität Bochum), Thomas Ganz (Head of supply chain management, Jenoptik) and Rosa Romero (co-founder and CEO, Sphere Ultrafast Photonics) will give an overview of jobs and careers in ultrafast optics.
Registration is free and open to non-OSA members, but the number of attendees is limited to ensure ample time for questions and discussion. Nevertheless, recorded tutorials will be freely available afterwards.
Please visit the website for registration and further information: www.osa.org/OUworkshop
Important update: we have reached the maximum number of attendees. Nevertheless, all the lectures will be freely available online soon after the event.